ESG Officers
The indivudual ESG officers of the respective business segments are responsible for the implementation of relevant topics.

Matthias Täubl
Geschäftsführender Direktor (CEO)
Matthias Täubl is Chief Executive Officer of the AURELIUS Equity Opportunites SE & Co. KGaA. After successfully completing his studies and working in industry, he held various positions in the AURELIUS Task Force from 2008. Among other things, he was responsible for the successful realignment of the Getronics Group. As CEO at AURELIUS Equity Opportunities SE & Co. KGaA, he is responsible for the ESG aspects, which is important for the company. Sustainability issues are part of the corporate strategy and are being successively expanded. After the active membership of the ESG framework UN PRI, UN Global Compact will follow shortly. ESG will also be gradually anchored more firmly in the corporate strategy of the portfolio companies.

Fabian Steger
Managing Director
Fabian Steger has been Managing Director of the AURELIUS European Opportunities Fund IV since its launch in April 2021. In this role, he is also responsible for ESG topics as an industry expert. These are to be taken into account not only in the funds policy but also in initiatives such as the UN PRI membership.

Svenja Wilfert
Senior Manager Finance
Svenja Wilfert is a Senior Manager Finance at AURELIUS Wachstumskapital SE & Co. KG. As part of her role, she also oversees ESG aspects for the company. After successfully completing her studies and qualifying as a chartered account (CA(SA)), she has worked within the audit and transactions advisory divisions at big four accounting firms, before joining the company in 2018.
As part of the AURELIUS Group, AURELIUS Wachstumskapital focuses on buy-and-build as well as buyouts and succession solutions.

Jan Rehbock
Vorstand AUREPA Advisors AG
Jan Rehbock is part of the Executive Board of AUREPA Advisors AG, which exclusively advises AURELIUS Real Estate Opportunities. In this function, he also assumes responsibility for ESG issues as an expert.
As part of the AURELIUS Group, AURELIUS Real Estate Opportunities, Luxembourg, focuses on direct and indirect real estate investments in European locations, primarily in residential, light industrial and office properties as well as corporate real estate and properties in special situations. Particularly in the real estate sector, with its challenging CO2 emission reduction targets, the integration and monitoring of ESG issues forms an essential foundation for portfolio management.

Karun Dhir
Managing Director
At AURELIUS Finance Company, Karun Dhir, Managing Director, is responsible for ESG criteria. Green financing like Sustainabe Bonds, Green Bonds, Social Bonds, etc. is becoming a more demanded asset class as well as credits linked to ESG. For AURELIUS Finance Company this development will be an increasingly important topic. The company is an alternative lender with a focus on debt solutions for SMEs in the UK and continental Europe.