Legal information
The English translation of this website is for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancies between the English and the German version, the German version shall prevail.
AUR Portfolio III SE & Co. KGaA
Ludwig-Ganghofer-Straße 6
82031 Grünwald
Telephone: +49 89 544799 – 0
Telefax: +49 89 544799 – 55
Supervisory Board
Christian Dreyer-Salzmann (Chairman)
Commercial register
Registered office: Grünwald
Court of registration: Munich, Reg. Nr. 221100
Tax-Id: DE 248377455
AURELIUS Management SE
General partner
Ludwig-Ganghofer-Straße 6
82031 Grünwald
Commercial register
Registered office: Grünwald
Court of registration: Munich, Reg. Nr. 211308
Tax-Id: DE30 1303064
Managing Directors
Matthias Täubl (CEO)
Notice on our privacy policy
We value the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. For this reason, we make every effort to process your data in accordance with the statutory provisions on data privacy. In particular, we take care not to transfer data to third parties without prior consent.
Any personal data that you submit to us will be stored, processed and used only for the purpose of answering your request.
More detailed information is available under data protection declaration.
You can use our whistleblower system to inform us of human rights and environmental risks or violations. Our complaints system is available here:
Information on our complaints procedure can be found in the rules of procedure.